Pam Rogers
Pam Rogers is a therapist in private practice in Santa Fe, working with mostly Medicaid clients on complex trauma issues. She’s worked in community mental health and with people with developmental challenges in a prior career. She’s been a resident of Santa Fe since 1988 and married into a family that
included former Probate Judge and SFPD officer Lily Gonzales. She is currently on the board of trustees at Unity Santa Fe and was a Unity
prayer chaplain. She graduated with a degree in Art History from Colorado College and a masters from the University of Texas, she came to Santa Fe for the art and ended up loving her work with Santa Maria El Mirador in group homes with adults with developmental challenges.
She returned to graduate school in Counseling from UNM so she could continue her work with the Developmental Disabilities Medicaid Waiver, which led her to work in community mental health and her interest in the field of trauma. An EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) trained therapist, she specializes in difficult to treat clients with complex trauma, now in private practice after working for many years at the Santa Fe Community Guidance Center, where she ran DBT and Suboxone groups.
She grew up in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, where she developed a love of multicultural issues which drew her to Santa Fe, NM. Her father, a petroleum geologist, instilled in her an appreciation for different cultures as well as concern for the environment, regardless of how ironic that may seem! She was present in DC at the Women’s March in 2017 and began her political activism that year, out of shock and disbelief. She still feels a profound sense of betrayal around the direction the country has taken politically since then.