Jana Theis

I spent most of my life in the Cleveland, Ohio area. I graduated from Ohio University. I have been a writer and an editor for a regional magazine and travel guides, and, after that, a librarian for many years. In my spare time I produced several original musicals at my local little theater. I love to create gardens, spend time outdoors, and, no surprise, I love to read - I am in two book clubs! My family includes my dad, my son and daughter-in-law, a sister, a brother and their families. I lost my husband of 43 years in 2016. My family also includes his brothers and their families. We are scattered all over the country, from California to Vermont. Denny and I moved to Santa Fe in 2012, when we retired, after many happy visits. I have always been a political junkie and an off and on activist. I was the Education Chair for an Ohio political group before moving here. The times make me feel the need for action and I cannot comfortably sit by the sidelines. Indivisible SOS gives me a sense of community and purpose and I have truly enjoyed meeting so many wonderful women.