Civil Rights/Criminal Justice Reform/Immigration

Civil Rights/Criminal Justice Reform/Immigration

Our members at the legislature

SOS members at Roundhouse in support of our legislative initiative

Civil rights are rights guaranteed by constitutions (federal and state) and laws authorized by those constitutions. Women, people of color, those who identify with ethnic, cultural and religious groups, LGBTQ, immigrants, and people with disabilities are represented by advocacy organizations that work to ensure equal treatment under law and protect civil rights. Currently, extremist politics and violence nationwide threaten our safety, civil rights, and democracy itself. Here in New Mexico we see law enforcement as having the potential to prevent and mitigate violence. We are working to transform law enforcement to protect our rights and everyone's safety. Given the election results we are working to mitigate the anti-democratic efforts of the new administration.

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What We Are Doing

Since early 2022, our partnership with state and local law enforcement has led to legislation to modernize the law enforcement system. 

We are drafting legislation for the 2025 legislature that will strengthen law enforcement training and standards. Indivisible SOS’ civil rights chair, Rachel Feldman, was appointed by the Governor to the Standards and Training Council created by the 2023 legislation.

We support the work of Somos Un Pueblo Unido, and their partners to pass legislation to support mixed status immigrant families and workers in the face of threats of mass deportation. We are also working to strengthen behavior health services in the State to better work with law enforcement and the courts.

We participated in the Day of Action to protect immigrants' right on January 3, 2025

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